Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wait, Why Am I Still Hungry?

Check out this Bearded Dragon playing Ant Crush!

Friday, December 9, 2011

New Arrival! The Bridge to Never Land

Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson wrote the Starcatcher series, a retelling of the famous Peter Pan story. The two authors joined forces once again and wrote The Bridge to Never Land. Here's what Destiny says:

"Aidan and Sarah Cooper begin to decipher a mysterious coded document that they discovered in a secret compartment of an antique English desk their father recently bought at an auction, and as they become more involved in the piece, which seems to be referring to the story about the origin of Peter Pan, a powerful being begins to pursue them."

I can't wait to read this book!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cello Wars!

Keep watching to see Darth Vader jamming out with an accordion!

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Arrival! Ocean of Blood

Darren Shan writes books that are among the most popular here at Smith. He recently started a new series called The Saga of Larten Crepsley, a prequel to the Cirque du Freak series.

Here's what Destiny says about the latest book in the series, Ocean of Blood: "Larten Crepsley and his blood brother Wester, both young vampires, travel widely, trying to experience fully the violent, hedonistic pleasures of the human world before committing to the vampire life."

Are you a fan of the Cirque du Freak universe? If so, don't miss this latest prequel event, Ocean of Blood!