Monday, September 14, 2009

BoTW: Hunger Games

Suzanne Collin's The Hunger Games is a fast-paced, action-filled book about a harsh gritty future where society forces its citizens to fight to the death in a game competition televised live. Think a modern day version of the Roman gladiator games. Katniss Everdeen takes the place of her younger sister for the games and has to use all her survival skills to out-think, fight, and even kill her fellow contestants.

If you like The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins also wrote the Gregor the Overlander, the first book in the Underland Chronicle series. The Gregor series is more a fantasy title than The Hunger Games and much less violent, but a great adventure story.


  1. i love gregor the overlander, but the hunger games is a much better written book. :) however, both are fantastic series, if i do say so myself.

  2. I completely agree Nicole. I found The Hunger Games to be a much edgier book than her Underland Chronicles series. Edgier doesn't always mean better, but in this case it does.
