Monday, December 7, 2009

BoTW: Me, Evolution, and Other Freaks of Nature

Based on the book's long title, you might have a tough time gleaning the meaning of Me, Evolution, and Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande. Don't let the rambling title deter you from reading a great book.

Mena, a high school freshman, angers both her parents and church congregation when she writes a letter. What could she have written to make so many people upset with her? You won't find that out until the end of the book and I'm not going to spoil it here. But I can tell you that Mena is a conflicted young lady, torn between her religious faith and her own unique sense of morality; the two don't always line up.

Does she ultimately reconcile the teachings of her church with her own sense of right and wrong? You'll have to read the book to find out! Be warned, however, that the book tackles whether or not evolution or "intelligent design" should be taught in schools.

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