Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BotW: Catching Fire

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins is the sequel to the critically-acclaimed The Hunger Games.

It picks up where the first left off. Katniss and Peeta have won the Games, but there are rumors that open rebellion lurks within every district and Kat has become a reluctant symbol for revolution against the Capital.

I found the first half of Catching Fire to be a bit on the slow side. It takes Collins some time to build the story up to the book's climatic, action-packed second half. But the next round of Games are as engrossing as they are bloody, a compelling clock mechanism that keeps the gladiators constantly on the run for their lives. I like how Collins handles the love triangle between Kat, Gale, and Peeta. She does a good job of pinging Kat back and forth between the two love interests.

Collins also does a good job of setting the story up for the inevitable third book in the series, Mockingjay. Given the circumstances surrounding open rebellion sweeping the districts and the revelation that District 13 might not be as desolate as The Capital claims, I bet Mockingjay will be an even stronger, more interesting book in the series.

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