Monday, February 7, 2011

BoTW: Killer Pizza

When I first saw Killer Pizza by Greg Taylor, I jumped to the conclusion that it was about a monster pizza roaming the city streets eating hapless citizens. I was admittedly disappointed to discover I was wrong. Not completely though. Killer Pizza may not feature a gigantic, carnivorous pepperoni pizza, but it is about monsters. And a team of teenagers recruited to track them down and fight them.

The book opens with a horrific roar. Something huge and slobbering chases Chelsea Travers through darkened woods. She stumbles in the end and the thing catches up with her. What happens to Chelsea? The book cuts to the next chapter before we find out, leaving Chelsea's fate to the reader's fertile imagination.

We next meet Toby Maghill, a teenage boy who has vainly spent the summer looking for any part-time job. His hunt ends when Steve Rogers from Killer Pizza calls offering him a position. But Killer Pizza isn't just any run-of-the-mill food chain. It turns out its employees double as MCOs, Monster Combat Officers, girls and boys trained to hunt and fight monsters. Killer Pizza doubles as their headquarters and front.

Toby eventually accepts the MCO position and finds himself tracking down the very monster that surely must have eaten poor Chelsea Travers at the beginning of the book. How does it all turn out? Stop by the library and check out Killer Pizza to find out!

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