Monday, March 7, 2011

BoTW: Found

Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix is the first book in the Missing series. Found starts with a bang when a plane pulls up to an airport terminal full of nothing but crying . . . babies! That's right, babies. No pilot. No flight attendants. No adults. Just a plane load of very loud, angry babies. After the babies are unloaded, the plane vanishes from sight as mysteriously and suddenly as it appeared.

Fast forward more than a decade later to Jonah and Chip, two adopted boys who both receive a letter in the mail that contains one, brief statement: You are one of the missing. The two eventually piece together that they both were aboard that creepy plane thirteen years ago. The boys join forces to investigate their mysterious past and stumble upon a vast conspiracy involving nothing less than evil manipulation of the space-time continuum.

If you like science fiction with a healthy dose of intrigue, Found is your book. And we have the other two books in the Missing series, Sent and Sabotaged. Swing by the library today to check them out or put them on hold. Look for the call number FIC HADDIX.

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