Welcome to
The Scrolling Scholar! You’re reading the very first blog post for the Smith Middle School library. I’m James Thomson, the librarian at Smith and I am so excited to host a blog page exclusively devoted to the school’s library.
A little about myself: I’ve been a school librarian for four years. Before that, I taught 6th grade math and social studies for nine years. I love technology, including video games! I’ve got a PC and Xbox 360 at home and if you name it, I’ve probably played it. I'm hard at working getting the Smith library ready for August and the 2009-2010 school year!
So what’s going to be on this blog? Lots! I will post at least three entries each week with a theme assigned to certain days. In addition to weekly features about books, authors, and research, look for information about Smith’s Game Club, Book Club, book fairs, author visits, and much, much more. More about all these events in the months to come!
Basically, the purpose of this blog is for me to reach Smith staff, students, and parents via the convenience and ubiquity of the Internet. When the school year begins and the craziness of life hits full force, this site will stand as a consistent, constantly updated source of information for everything related to the library and its activities.
So make a bookmark, visit often, and make yourself an active member of a virtual community within the larger Smith Middle School family!