Monday, February 15, 2010

BoTW: Graceling

Within the Seven Kingdoms, some people are born with the Grace of reading minds. Others possess the Grace of climbing tree. Still others have the Grace of counting numbers backwards flawlessly. Unique among them is the young girl Katsa, graced with the skill of killing.

Graceling by Kristin Cashore is a fantasy title with an usual premise: a young girl skilled in fighting and killing, the personal assassin for the king himself, who abhors the murder she commits and vows to do some good on the sly. But Gracelings stick out like a sore thumb. Not only do they possess their unique talents, they also have eyes of two different colors. People fear those disparate eyes because Gracelings can be meek and unassuming or powerful and terrible.

Katsa has yet to meet her match in battle. As she secretly performs missions of mercy, will she endanger her position as the king's most cherished assassin? Read Graceling and find out!

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