Monday, October 17, 2011

BoTW: Leviathan

I raved about Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld last January (you can check the archive to read what I had to say about this new series) and I'm highlighting the book again because it's just that good!

Leviathan is a steam-punk re-imagining of World War I, full of genetically modified animals and clanker metal war machines. The plot revolves around young prince Aleksander Ferdinand, son of the Archduke Ferdinand and leader of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. When the Archduke is brutally assassinated, Alek must flee for his life and muster a plan to fight the men behind his father's death.

You need to read this book now because Behemoth is already out and the third book in the series, Goliath, came out just last month!

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